Business Office

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Meet the Business Team

Contact the Business Office 

Edward Rarick 
 Business Manager 
[email protected]

Kristen Ritter 
 Assistant Business Manager 
[email protected]

Jill Seigendall
Business Office Secretary / Transportation
[email protected]

Jennifer Carr
Payroll / PIMS Coordinator / District Registrar 
[email protected]

Right To Know Law

Pennsylvania Right to Know and Open Records Laws (Act 3 of 2008)

On January 1, 2009, Act 3 (also known as the Open Records amendment to the Pennsylvania Right to Know Law) has taken effect at all local and state agencies in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, including school districts and intermediate units.

Act 3 expands the definition of "public record," making all records public - both electronic and hard copy - with 30 listed exemptions (such as records dealing with building security, personal safety, medical records, confidential personnel records, and criminal investigations).

The form you must fill out is at the bottom of this page titled "RTKrequestform". Or you can copy and paste this link into your web browser:

Proper form must be submitted and anonymous requests will be disregarded. 

Email: [email protected]
Regulations, policies, and procedures of the agency (see policy #801)

The following fees may be assessed:
Cost for Reproduction: $.25/page
Certification fee: $5.00 per document – additional cost if notary is required.
Postage: (Actual cost)

Judith Kunkle 
Secretary to the Superintendent / Open Records Officer
Weatherly Area School District
602 Sixth Street Weatherly, PA 18255
Telephone: (570) 427 - 8681
Fax: (570) 427 - 8918
E-Mail: [email protected]